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The second reading provides a list of Israel's repeated rejections of God through the generations. Evidently, a group of Jewish leaders came to Ezekiel demanding answers for God allowing them to be defeated by the Babylonians. However, God clearly views these leaders as completely unfaithful. In response to their questions, God offers a list of times that the Jewish people have ignored God's teachings in favor of worshiping the false gods of other nations. Interestingly, God says this faithlessness dates all the way to slavery in Egypt and the exodus from Egypt in the wilderness. And the faithlessness of God's people happens again and again, leading to the punishment of defeat and exile.
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety
If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Ezekiel 20-28 today.
If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Ezekiel 20-28 today.