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The second reading tells an almost unbelievable story of the final days of King Nebuchadnezzar. They begin with another fateful dream, this time about a tall tree in the center of everything, which the king asks Daniel to interpret. The interpretation is troubling, though, because it suggests that the great king will become destitute and end his life living like an animal far from the royal palace. A year later, the dream was fulfilled and the mighty king ends up living like an ox, eating grass and sleeping outside. After some period of time, the king realizes the error of his ways and praises the true God. In doing so, it proves that no one -- even the most tyrannical, oppressive emperor -- is beyond the power of God's transformation (an important reminder given the terrible future that the book of Daniel foretells).
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety
If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Daniel 3-4 today.
If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Daniel 3-4 today.