In some ways, Mark, from the outset, pictures Jesus as very active and constantly on the go. He has a lot to do -- and a lot of people to interact with -- before his crucifixion in Jerusalem. In some ways, this is a different image of Jesus than we are used to; rather than picture Jesus as a thoughtful prophet, here he is a tireless force in trying to spread God's message.
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety
The second reading offers a couple of episodes that illustrate the central question and purpose of Mark's Gospel -- understanding the true identity of Jesus. If you can understand who Jesus is, then you have a better context to interpret everything Jesus says and Jesus does. Here, we have Jesus' own disciples admitting, after he calms a storm, that they still don't quite understand who they are following. After this, though, the evil spirits -- called "Legion" -- speak directly to Jesus as the Son of God before he exorcises them casts them into a herd of pigs.
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If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Mark 1-4 today.