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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety
The second reading offers another component of Jesus' teaching that is unexpected. Throughout Luke, Jesus continually discredits conventional wisdom -- common people are often more faithful than religious leaders, women and children are as important as me, etc. In these events, centering upon the Transfiguration, where Moses and Elijah appear alongside Jesus and God's voice echoes from the heavens praising Jesus, the disciples are warned that they will face challenges because they follow Jesus. Even more, Jesus basically tells the disciples that their faithful discipleship doesn't make them better than anyone else in God's eyes -- it offers a way to salvation, but it will not lead to them being any more important in heaven. This is a hard teaching for people who think that they can make Jesus proud of them and get special privileges because of it.
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If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Luke 6-10 today.