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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety
The second reading provides a series of examples where Jesus is teaching his disciples (and through them, us) about the importance of humility. All sorts of people take pride in a variety of actions and behaviors, but time and again Jesus insists upon basic humility before God. A widow, who repeatedly asks for mercy, is granted it even by a ruthless judge. The tax collector who utters a simple and complete humbling prayer reaches God more than the learned Pharisee who goes on and on, eloquently. A child, who expects nothing, is the model way to approach God's kingdom of heaven. The faithful and wealthy young ruler, who scrupulously follows the law, must give his wealth away to have complete faith in Jesus. Then, even Jesus himself must show humility, and he tells his disciples again that he will be arrested, mocked, and crucified. Stripping away pride, Jesus teaches, allows a true relationship with God can be built.
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If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Luke 15-19 today.