Children of Light and Children of Darkness
Today's reading continues to explore the stark contrast between light and darkness in 1 John. Those who seek to follow God aspire to be children of God's light. Jesus not only offers an example, but an advocate for these children of light. However, there are also people who seek to be children of this world, who ignore God. The leaders of these worldly children of darkness are antichrists, who try to deceive people about the nature of God and God's future judgment of the world. Christians must live as children of the light or they face the punishments that await the children of darkness. (If this seems a little abstract, it becomes clearer through the rest of the epistle, where the main way people live out God's light is through love.)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety
If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read 1 John 2 today.