Saturday, June 18, 2016

Revelation, Day 6

A Day to Catch Up  

If you've had a busy week, today you have a chance to play catch up on any of the selections of Revelation you might have missed.  Click to open the information for any of this week's readings.

Share Your Thoughts

A good way to remember something you've recently read or done is to talk about it or to write it down.  Take a few minutes to think about this week's Bible readings.
  • If you like to journal, reflect on the passage that surprised you the most or the one that was the most emotional to read.
  • Talk to a family member, friend, or neighbor about something you've read this week.
  • Join the discussion of the Godsway 66 Facebook page.

Get Ready for Sunday's Sermon

Rev. Joshua Patty will preach on Revelation on Sunday at Eastgate Christian Church in Independence, MO.  Join us for the sermon or check back here for the recorded sermon.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Revelation, Day 5 Readings

The Final Battle & The New Heaven and Earth  

Today's first reading envisions the final battle between the armies of heaven and the armies of earth and the Beast.  Unlike the previous horrors and sufferings, the final battle described is completely one-sided.  After a great angelic song of praise, an army mounted on white horses descends from heaven, which completely slaughter the army of the Beast, before throwing the Beast and the antichrist into a lake of fire (presumably, Hell).

Read Revelation 19:1-21  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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The second reading describes the glory of heaven after the final battle -- a new Jerusalem, which stretches almost beyond imagination (some 1500 miles on a side) and is made with gold and the finest stones.  It is all wonderfully ornate and gleaming, a reward for those who have been faithful to God.  The only difference between the old and new Jerusalem is that there is no need for a Temple because God already resides there, alongside Jesus (the Lamb).

Read Revelation 21:1-27  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Revelation 19-22 today.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Revelation, Day 4 Readings

The Seventh Trumpet & The Whore of Babylon  

Today's first reading describes the period just before the seventh trumpet sounds and just after.  According to the vision, there will be a period of prophecy during the chaotic final months of Jerusalem.  After this, the beast will kill the prophets.  But after three days, they will be resurrected.  Then the seventh trumpet will sound, and the glory of heaven will be revealed.  Taken together, this is a promise of tribulation, followed by judgment for the wicked and reward for the faithful in heaven.

Read Revelation 11:1-19  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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The second reading describes the final powers of earth, who will offer increasingly awful and despotic leadership.  The first is the most famous, the Great Whore of Babylon, which many people think represent the Roman Empire.  Evidently (though the vision is a bit confused and open to much interpretation), this will be followed by ten kingdoms, who will each have short periods of power.  Somehow they will ally themselves with the Beast and fight against the powers of heaven; ultimately, heaven will defeat them.

Read Revelation 17:1-28  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Revelation 15-18 today.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Revelation, Day 3 Readings

The Coming of the Beast & The Judgment of the Beast  

Today's first reading describes the coming of the beast, the powerful government that will demand total allegiance from everyone on earth.  It actually is the second such government, coming after another beast that arrived from the sea (meaning that it was a dominant naval power).  These are the final empires (though evidently there will be a few other governments) to dominate the earth before God's final judgment of the earth.

Read Revelation 12:18-13:18  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
[links to Bible Gateway open in a new window]

The second reading describes the actions of heaven that will bring an end to the reign of terror of the beast and its followers.  While 144,000 of the saints will gather in heaven, the angels will prepare to cause devastation on the earth, with lots of bloodshed -- here compared to the wine pressed from grapes -- and God brings judgment upon the last empire of the earth.

Read Revelation 14:1-20  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Revelation 11-14 today.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Revelation, Day 2 Readings

The Sealed Scroll & The First Six Seals  

Today's first reading takes place in the throne room of heaven, where John sees that someone seated on the throne holding a scroll sealed with seven seals.  And there is a question of who can open the scroll, which overwhelms John, who fears that no one can.  Then John sees a lamb who has been slaughtered -- which represents Jesus who was crucified as a sacrifice -- who has the power and authority to take and open the scroll.  When the lamb takes the scroll, he too is praised by the throne room chorus, just as God is praised.

Read Revelation 5:1-14  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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The second reading describes the calamities that befall the earth when each of the first six seals is opened on the scroll.  These are the first punishments that the earth receives, unleashing violence among people, terrible famine and plagues, and darkening the sun, moon, and stars.  Even with all of this destruction, there will still be years of suffering before the final judgment, according to the rest of John's vision in Revelation.

Read Revelation 6:1-17  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Revelation 5-10 today.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Revelation, Day 1 Readings

A Vision of the End & The Throne Room of Heaven  

Today's first reading is the beginning of Revelation, which offers a vision of the end of the world.  The opening chapter provides the context for the terrifying vision that follows.  The writer, John, was worshiping on Sunday when he was transported into heaven and given the responsibility of sharing this vision with seven churches in written form.  While in heaven, he encounters Jesus, the Son of Man, who once was dead, but now lives forever, and who explicitly directs John to write about all that he has seen and share it with others.

Read Revelation 1:1-20  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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The second reading describes the heavenly throne room, where the power of God resides.  Surrounding God are four creatures and 24 elders who constantly offer songs of praise to God. It is from this vantage point that John will witness the judgment and destruction of the earth.

Read Revelation 4:1-11  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Revelation 1-4 today.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Revelation, Overview

Godsway 66, Book 66 - Revelation

Revelation is the final book of the New Testament and the Bible.  In some ways, it complements the first book of the Bible, Genesis, which tells the story of how God created the world and how God established a relationship with human beings (what we generally call faith).  Revelation predicts the destruction of this world and the beginning of a new world for those who have been faithful to God.

Ostensibly written to seven congregations then enduring persecution. Revelation promises God's final judgment, which offers the reward of salvation to some and the punishment of destruction to others.  This final judgment, though, will not happen quickly -- it will be preceded by a period of even worse suffering and persecution for those who are faithful, retaining their right relationship with God.  (In some ways, these period of suffering and persecution seems a mirror image of birth pains.)

The prophecy of Revelation is filled with images meant to correspond to various rulers and empires.  For centuries, Christians have argued over which nations are the final seven to rule the earth and who are the great beasts who have acted as unholy tyrants and who is the terrible Antichrist leading people away, frequently suggesting different answers that prove that their times are the endtimes of Revelation.  While this is an interesting topic of conversation and study, the readings this week are meant to provide an understanding of the overarching vision of Revelation, without digging into these issues.

Ultimately, this is a book about the end of this world and the beginning of the next.  Revelation warns not only of God's final judgment of the earth -- the Day of the Lord promised by the Jewish prophets -- but promises that those faithful to God have a hope beyond this punishment, an unending life in God's new heaven, a massive city of gold that is also the City of God.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sermons - 1 John, 2 John, & 3 John

Over the past three Sundays, Rev. Joshua Patty has preached on the three letters of John, which deal with issues of the nature of love in the church and how that love is exhibited when dealing with disagreements over faithful Christian teaching.

The longest of the letters, 1 John, offers a stark assessment of reality, where there is a battle going on between good and evil.  In trying to navigate a world where there is too much darkness and evil, Christians must focus on the most important of Jesus' teachings -- to love.  Click here to listen to the sermon on 1 John, "The Power of Love."

2 John warns about the dangers of false teachers, especially those who suggest that Jesus was not a human, but simply some sort of high-tech image that looked human, but actually was completely God.  This ancient heresy is known in the church as Docetism, but it encourages Christians to only see Jesus as God, and not -- mysteriously and graciously -- as both a human being and God at the same time.  For Christians, faith is sometimes about learning to embrace these seeming contradictions, rather than trying to explain them away.  Click here to listen to the sermon on 2 John, "Antichrists."

3 John encourages young congregations to support the itinerant Christian teachers who have been proven true to the teachings of Jesus -- an important way to support their good work in opposition to those who are spreading false Christian teaching.  In some ways, this is an ancient justification of the denominations that have formed in the larger church through the centuries.  Click here to list to the sermon on 3 John, "Christians Helping Christians."

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Jude, Day 1 Readings

Defending the Faith    

Today's reading is the letter of Jude.  It warns that the greatest threat to the church is not from external opposition, but rather from within.  There are people causing divisions in the church because they are misleading Christians by offering false teaching.  Such false teaching is a sign of false belief (or no true belief at all), for which they will be punished.  The letter offers several examples of God's punishment of people in the past, ranging from the Egyptians at the Red Sea to the troubled cities of Sodom and Gomorah.  Everyone will receive God's judgment, including these false teachers; however, true Christians must focus on nurturing their own true faith, which includes both love and reliance on God's overwhelming mercy.

Read Jude 1:1-25  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Jude 1 today.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Jude, Overview

Godsway 66, Book 65 - Jude

Jude is the last of the individual letters preserved in the New Testament.  (There are some short letters within the longer book of Revelation too.)  Its author is identified as Jude, the brother of James, which would make him another of Jesus' younger brothers.

It is focused on the danger posed to the church by those inside the church who are offering false teaching and causing divisions.  (Having reached the end of the epistles, it might be interesting to consider which is the greater threat to early Christians -- persecution from non-Christians or questionable teaching from Christians.)  Jude warns that such unfaithful and unbelieving teachers will receive God's judgment, just as other nonbelievers have been punished by God in the past.

Interestingly, though, while Jude warns Christians not to follow after these "grumblers and malcontents," he also instructs them to still rely on the love and forgiveness from God that are the great virtues of the church.  By such love and forgiveness, these false teachers might yet be brought to true faith in Jesus Christ.  Regardless, judgment is God's, not the church's.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

3 John, Day 1 Readings

Welcoming Christian Teachers    

Today's reading is the entirety of the short third letter of John.  It provides thanks to a congregation that has lived out its faith by welcoming some itinerant Christian teachers.  Other congregations have not done so; instead, they have been critical of these people -- including one led by Diotrephes.  Christians must welcome those who come in the name of truth.

Read 3 John 1:1-15  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read 3 John 1 today.